The Chiko Roll: An Aussie Culinary Icon

Frank McEnroe's Australian (from Bendigo, Victoria) food idea was born in 1951. Frank had seen Chinese spring and eggs but wanted to make available something more robust which can be held and eaten with one hand while watching footy matches. Thus was born this roll containing pulped beef, beef tallow, cabbage, barley, green beans, carrot, wheat cereal, celery and onion all wrapped up in a thick egg and flour skin. The roll is deep fried. Today, this roll can be found in some bakeries, fish and chip shops, or in boxed frozen uncooked format for home frying. I used to buy them from a deli near college in Nedlands during uni days and they were a warm, filling night-time snack to supplement college diner food.

Home fried Chiko Roll for late lunch today

The filling

03 April 2024


created by Clem Kuek